Difference between revisions of "Template:Χρονολόγιο Lubuntu"

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m (Εισήχθη 1 αναθεώρηση)
m (Εισήχθη 1 αναθεώρηση)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:26, 5 February 2018

<timeline> Define $width = 740 Define $warning = 610 Define $height = 500

Define $start = 01/01/2008 Define $end = 31/12/2019 Define $now = 11/01/2025

ImageSize = width:$width height:$height PlotArea = right:15 left:75 bottom:100 top:60 DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy Period = from:$start till:$end TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal Legend = orientation:vertical position:bottom columns:1

Colors =

    id:bg              value:white
    id:lightline       value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9)
    id:lighttext       value:rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)
    id:stable          value:rgb(0.97,0.94,0.04) Legend:Standard_Support
    id:stable1         value:rgb(0.97,0.5,0) Legend:Long_Term_Support
    id:today           value:rgb(0.2,0.2,0.9)

BackgroundColors = canvas:bg ScaleMinor = gridcolor:lightline unit:month increment:1 start:$start ScaleMajor = gridcolor:lighttext unit:year increment:1 start:$start

Define $dx = 5 # Shift text to right side of bar. Define $dy = -5 # Shift text to top side of bar.


  at:$now color:today width:0.1


 bar:Trusty width:20
   color:stable1 from:17/04/2014 till:20/04/2017 # Estimated
   at:17/04/2014 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"14.04 LTS"
 bar:Saucy width:20
   color:stable from:17/10/2013 till:19/06/2014 # Estimated
   at:17/10/2013 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"13.10"
 bar:Raring width:20
   color:stable from:25/04/2013 till:26/12/2013 # Estimated
   at:25/04/2013 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"13.04"
 bar:Quantal width:20
   color:stable from:18/10/2012 till:17/04/2014
   at:18/10/2012 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"12.10"
   # Estimated
 bar:Precise width:20
   color:stable from:26/04/2012 till:17/10/2013 # Estimated
   at:26/04/2012 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"12.04"
 bar:Oneiric width:20
   color:stable from:13/10/2011 till:25/04/2013
   at:13/10/2011 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"11.10"
 bar:Natty width:20
   color:stable from:28/04/2011 till:18/10/2012
   at:28/04/2011 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"11.04"
 bar:Maverick width:20
   color:stable from:10/10/2010 till:26/04/2012
   at:10/10/2010 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"10.10"
 bar:Lucid width:20
   color:stable from:02/05/2010 till:25/04/2013
   at:02/05/2010 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"10.04"
 bar:Karmic width:20
   color:stable from:26/10/2009 till:28/04/2011
   at:26/10/2009 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"9.10"
 bar:Jaunty width:20
   color:stable from:23/04/2009 till:10/10/2010
   at:23/04/2009 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"9.04"
 bar:Intrepid width:20
   color:stable from:30/10/2008 till:29/04/2010
   at:30/10/2008 shift:($dx,$dy) align:left fontsize:M text:"8.10"

TextData =

 text:Ενημέρωση 11 / 01 / 2025

TextData =

  text:"Χρονολόγιο εκδόσεων του Lubuntu"


Στο λήμμα αυτό έχει ενσωματωθεί κείμενο από το λήμμα w:Template:Timeline Lubuntu της Αγγλόγλωσσης Βικιπαίδειας, η οποία διανέμεται υπό την GNU FDL και την CC-BY-SA 3.0 (ιστορικό/συντάκτες)

Κατηγορία:Πρότυπα Βικιπαίδειας